Monday 15 September 2008

3 days and a weigh in!


Right so no updates at the weekend. This is mainly due to a fire in my computer and just being busy!

So Friday – Went for my normally morning walk. This time I did not walk 40 miles like the day before but a normal walk to the docks and back; Went for a wonder round town, nothing much going on there so I returned home to get a few things done. Made some curry sauce for the nightclub food bar
then went to the pub.

Friday so be a good boy James.

I had 6 vodkas and Tequila! Went home and had Saturday off but still had things to do. Felt terrible first thing so went for a walk in the early morning fog, then brought a few things in Tesco.

May I just point out that the reason they say no more that 10 items at the serve yourself counter is because you can’t fit it all on the scales in the bagging area! I was crying with laughter in the end. Hayley did not see it as being that funny :(

Saturday I had breakfast; 1 egg, 1 slice of bacon (fat trimed) 1 hash brown and some Bread and butter. For lunch I had a roll and for tea….well I didn’t really. I just wne without….I know I know but I had work. The Goat – 5 Hour DJ set.

This went well apart from the idiots that seem to only ever appear on a Saturday night. Still no drink at all; I then did two hours at Bar One. I had a glass of red wine in-between the two gigs and then when a Bar One I had a few vodka and cokes.


Sunday I had a McMuffin and a few bottles of beer at lunch. I then worked it all off by dancing for an hour and a half at a charity DJ event I was working at. The two hours set of 1980 party tunes meant I think I worked off the weekend, so that myst be a Sunday thing.

I had a few vodkas in the evening, but now that is it until Saturday.

This morning I awake with the nagging thought that I had a weigh in this morning.


After all that at the weekend.

Oh god.

So no tea this morning. I walked to Boots and guess what!!!!

Weight: 21st 0lb

BMI: 40.3


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