Thursday 2 October 2008

Look; don’t blame me.

Right well maybe you will blame me.

Where do I start?

Right it was a few Fridays ago. I was being good and not drinking as I had to work,

The next day was a Saturday and I had a few pints of Guinness. Ever since I have not been able to stop. I’m, like a snowball….getting bigger and bigger the faster I roll. The diet has more than gone out of the window. The last time I weighed myself for not last Monday but the Monday before. I’d put on a pound.

Since then with work and everything I have not really got back there. Yes I’m back on the radio and loving it I have to say but no I have not been into the diet as much as I was.

This is the evil part. I want to do it but I find myself being all over the place. If anything the one thing that the diet part did for me was think more before I eat things like checking fat content and things like that.

All very well and good James but if you are drinking Guinness again then you are a mug.

Therefore I will start again from tomorrow. Once I have finished my radio show tomorrow morning I will then be walking into the town to get myself weighed in the
Boots there.

I have asked someone to buy me an excise bike next Monday, I can’t get it myself because I’m doing a Internet Radio show. I know. I don’t know where I get it form sometimes.

Anyway I will weight myself and then workout how to update this blog thing from my phone.

So my last weigh in was:

20 stone and 13 pounds

My BMI was 40.3

More tomorrow I promise.


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