Friday 19 September 2008


Right so yesterday I got up had a breakfast bar (now that I know they are only 100 calories). Did some work on the computer:

Then had a roll or lunch with some ham and a Omelette with lots of veg. For tea I had a fish pie This was what I ate yesterday and it came to around 900 calories. Therefore leaving me a few so last night after what was a hard quiz (Football was on so it was late) I thought I’d treat myself to a few vodka and cokes. I only had 3 when is my daily units and fits in with my calories as that was: 390.

So after all o that how much have I lost today?


That is it and my body mass has gone back up .2 points from 40.3 to 40.5.

Gutted is not the word.

My own fault though I have taken a bit of a back seat on the excise but what I can’t work out is that over a weekend I lost 2 lb then this wee -.a whole week! And now I have lost 1lb.

Things better look better on Monday or I’m getting out a knife to cut bits off….not those bits Hayley….not those bits 


1 comment:

SimComics said...


Well known fact that weight comes off fast at first then slows down as your body gets used to the new ways you're treating it... the fact of the matter is you have still lost some...

Good luck and keep it up...