Tuesday 23 September 2008

Right well once again I have left you down on the updates. …..SO!

So I had to work on Friday at Bar One. Really good night; I had a few vodka and cokes at the end but that was it. After all of that I didn’t get to bed until 5am Saturday morning.

I was woken up at 8 on Saturday morning. Se the problem with this is that I am not getting any sleep, this is bad for the diet so I am told. Anyway went and did some shopping. Now this sounds mundane at the moment but it does get better. I had to pop in the Tudor (pub n Sheerness where I am working tonight entertainment fans!). Whilst IW as chatting to some of the guys in there we stumbled across this story about how Guinness is still prescribed in hospitals. Now I still think this is bollocks and it sounds like a story that an alcoholic would say to themselves to try and make them feel better.

So I went back to the flat. Google. It turns out Guinness has only 160 calories in it. You can see where I am going with this! Basically I drink double vodka and diet coke at 110 calories a glass and I drink the very quick and they cost anything from £3.80 each to £7.00!!!!

So Guinness it is. Had to work again on Saturday night at the Goat this time, I had about 5 pints of Guinness and drank water whilst I was working,. I had a fish pie for tea so I was doing well. On Sunday I worked at Barton’s point and had a few Guinness’s afterwards.

This is bad news now as then yesterday I weighed myself and - bad times – I’ve put on a pound. I have also decreased my BMI to 40.3 from 40.6…..but not lost any weight?

The main problem here is that I am not walking anywhere. I have been stuck in front of the computer working on stuff for various new projects so I’m stuck in this loop. No I’m just lazy.

Right so yesterday I was driven (thanks Kerry) to a new radio project that we are working on, can’t talk about that yet but ‘it das good’.

Little bit of walking as we tried to find the studio but otherwise back in the car after a few pints to celebrate the new radio stuff so I have failed again.

So now back at just under 21 stone I aim this week to lose lose lose.

Will I do it?

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