Friday 12 September 2008

Morning - It's the day!

Morning all!

Unless you are not reading this in the morning of course because then it’ll just be odd; So how about just Hello?

Right two entrys today. This is the first – pre weigh in!!! DUM DUM DAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

So then onto business:

Yesterday morning I woke up and had a cereal bar and a few cups of herbal tea. I went for my walk at 10.40. Now I knew that after having the Chinese on Wednesday night I would have to make up for it and have an extra long walk. So – with an hour long Podcast on my phone – I headed off for walk time.

Now the plan was this. My normal walk takes half an hour. So I thought I’d start where I normally do but walk in the wrong direction for 15 minutes then back on myself for 15 minutes then my normal route, but I didn’t.

You know that bit in Forest Gump when he starts running…..and just keeps going. Well that was me yesterday. Less “Run forest Run!” more “Walk fatty Walk…don’t run, you may keel over and die”

I left at 1040 – as I said – and returned to the flat at 13.20. That is a good odl walk. Here is the map of where I went!

So then – after that I had some pasta and that was that, I didn’t have any tea as I was not hungry so I just had a banananananana.

My big test for the Thursday night quiz; now normally I would not drink during this but at 10 I would have a few cheeky pints, not today though. Once I had finished I walked and talked to the people that had played the quiz I wine to order my first drink…would it be soft or strong?

In the end I though I had walked so far that day and that I had not really had a drink so I opted for Vodka and soda with a little touch (and I mean about 2ml) of Lime. Well what can I say. I was looking forward to this, this was going to be my drink, it was going to be the drink that I could have and still stick to my diet; Refreshing and nowhere near as many calories as my normal pint of cider.

One small problem though; it smelt and tasted like Lime washing up liquid.

I took one sip and nearly gagged….I was goose bumps all over. Horrid.

I drank what was left over the course of the next 30 minutes but I will never drink that again.

Instead I opted for the Diet Coke version and I then had about 150 ml of red wine back in the flat.

Right then so it’s Friday Morning, 0853 and I’m going to get dressed; ready for my weigh in. Talk in an hour.

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