Thursday 11 September 2008

They are looking at me funny

That’s not right

So yesterday was a good day really.

Got up nice and early and sat down to get some work done. Had me fruit and fibre bar and a few cps of Herbal tea. Then it was time for walkies.

The problem with my route is that I have to walk there and then once there walk back on myself. I get some funny loos from people but then I think to myself “Well they are walking down here as well” still, it feels odd.

The yesterday it got worse. There were some hoodlums!

They were throwing things in the sea and I was worried. What if they started throwing things at me. Where would I go? I’ve been told not to run if you are fat because it can mess your internal organs up….something to do with them being in chip fat instead of flesh and blood.

So I walked further and decided that I should not be put off as I was going to do this, and lose weight and I should not be worried of some kids because all they were doing was messing around! Don’t be threatened. So I walked a little further. Keeping my head down as not to look at them – well I didn’t want to start anything. Then as I got nearer I looked up and one of them smiled at me…….crap.

They were not young scaly wags but a few older ladies with their husbands. They just looked scary from a distance….oh shut up and leave me alone. Just because I’m fat.

So after popping to Tesco for some milk and a paper (the milk is for the threat that I might make a lasagne and I make my own white sauce….and yes it is semi skimmed) and printing off the quiz for tonight I went home.

I gutted the front room, chucked loads out and really had a good sweat. Afterwards I relaxed and Hayley came home. I have been naughty again.

We had a Chinese Takeaway.

Now not that I need to make excuses to you but I have been god and not had any booze apart from that little cider on Tuesday night so to be fair!

So to make up for it I promised myself a good old walk on Thursday which I shall tell you about tomorrow because hopefully then the burning would have stopped.

In the evening I had a bath and we played Xbox.

The End.

I also had a dream about I was in a pub team and we had to win this physical challenge and on my team was Peter Kay and Geri Halliwell.

Is this an omen?

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