Wednesday 10 September 2008

…and I will walk 2 miles…..

Well it is day three of the diet and so far so good. Again this is tough for me remember because I am used to having a drink during the week and not thinking about what I am shoving in my gob.

Right so yesterday;

Breakfast - Fruit bar & Herbal tea
Lunch – Ham roll (not too much butter)
Tea – Pasta once again

He is a map of my walking route by the way:

I spent the afternoon working on the kitchen. See with plans to move coming on now I have to get rid of all the crap that I have collected over the past few years. Yesterday I was chucking out printers, scanners, bits of cables, coffee machines, bed stead’s and so much more. You would not believe how junk I have….or had al least. I’m moving on to the front room today and all the other crap that I have in there. A lot of physical work in the afternoon should be good from what I’m told.

This diet is all well and good until you start looking on the side of things for calories. I brought myself some fresh juice yesterday afternoon as I have been very busy at home with the writing of new stuff and some remixing of track for the weekend. I though I would have some juice so I brought some Cranberry juice. Not cheap shit! Ocean Spray! I know! I’ve changed. Seriously thought so I drank a pint of that over the after noon (it’s a litre and I had half – that’s how I know). When Hayley got home in the afternoon I went to tell her how good I was and then I checked the side of the carton! 300 calories a glass! NOT EVEN JOKING!

See when I’m trying to be good and lose weight and not drink and get drunk and it’s harder than I thought!

I have one confession to make. Last night it was a friend of Hayley’s birthday so we went round to her flat to give her a present. Whilst there I was offered a drink; look it was her birthday and well I have been good. So I had a glass of half flat cider. Not even half a pint. Hayley got the arse with me on the way home for doing it but seeing as I have said that I was going to have a glass of wine every night and that I have not even had one yet then I think she can jolly well belt up………hope she don’t read that :)

Still; when we got in I was watching Sky News in the kitchen and thought I would have some cracker bread. That can’t have too many calories in it can it?

My next weight in is looming! Friday morning 10am. I must have lost some.

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