Thursday 2 October 2008

Look; don’t blame me.

Right well maybe you will blame me.

Where do I start?

Right it was a few Fridays ago. I was being good and not drinking as I had to work,

The next day was a Saturday and I had a few pints of Guinness. Ever since I have not been able to stop. I’m, like a snowball….getting bigger and bigger the faster I roll. The diet has more than gone out of the window. The last time I weighed myself for not last Monday but the Monday before. I’d put on a pound.

Since then with work and everything I have not really got back there. Yes I’m back on the radio and loving it I have to say but no I have not been into the diet as much as I was.

This is the evil part. I want to do it but I find myself being all over the place. If anything the one thing that the diet part did for me was think more before I eat things like checking fat content and things like that.

All very well and good James but if you are drinking Guinness again then you are a mug.

Therefore I will start again from tomorrow. Once I have finished my radio show tomorrow morning I will then be walking into the town to get myself weighed in the
Boots there.

I have asked someone to buy me an excise bike next Monday, I can’t get it myself because I’m doing a Internet Radio show. I know. I don’t know where I get it form sometimes.

Anyway I will weight myself and then workout how to update this blog thing from my phone.

So my last weigh in was:

20 stone and 13 pounds

My BMI was 40.3

More tomorrow I promise.


Friday 26 September 2008

Well good morning blog fans!

good news:

I have been so busy that it is just unreal. Heance no updates my little mushrooms. I'm sitting in a radio studio at the moment as it is new show time today.

Bad News:

I'm not doing any walking and I have been drinking.

I'm working until 12 in fact I start in half hour but I'll be walking into town and getting myself weighed. Just got to find the boots here first, every town has one. I've also seen a very nice brown bag. I'm nailing that later. £6! Bargain.

right I've got work to do.


Tuesday 23 September 2008

Right well once again I have left you down on the updates. …..SO!

So I had to work on Friday at Bar One. Really good night; I had a few vodka and cokes at the end but that was it. After all of that I didn’t get to bed until 5am Saturday morning.

I was woken up at 8 on Saturday morning. Se the problem with this is that I am not getting any sleep, this is bad for the diet so I am told. Anyway went and did some shopping. Now this sounds mundane at the moment but it does get better. I had to pop in the Tudor (pub n Sheerness where I am working tonight entertainment fans!). Whilst IW as chatting to some of the guys in there we stumbled across this story about how Guinness is still prescribed in hospitals. Now I still think this is bollocks and it sounds like a story that an alcoholic would say to themselves to try and make them feel better.

So I went back to the flat. Google. It turns out Guinness has only 160 calories in it. You can see where I am going with this! Basically I drink double vodka and diet coke at 110 calories a glass and I drink the very quick and they cost anything from £3.80 each to £7.00!!!!

So Guinness it is. Had to work again on Saturday night at the Goat this time, I had about 5 pints of Guinness and drank water whilst I was working,. I had a fish pie for tea so I was doing well. On Sunday I worked at Barton’s point and had a few Guinness’s afterwards.

This is bad news now as then yesterday I weighed myself and - bad times – I’ve put on a pound. I have also decreased my BMI to 40.3 from 40.6…..but not lost any weight?

The main problem here is that I am not walking anywhere. I have been stuck in front of the computer working on stuff for various new projects so I’m stuck in this loop. No I’m just lazy.

Right so yesterday I was driven (thanks Kerry) to a new radio project that we are working on, can’t talk about that yet but ‘it das good’.

Little bit of walking as we tried to find the studio but otherwise back in the car after a few pints to celebrate the new radio stuff so I have failed again.

So now back at just under 21 stone I aim this week to lose lose lose.

Will I do it?

Friday 19 September 2008


Right so yesterday I got up had a breakfast bar (now that I know they are only 100 calories). Did some work on the computer:

Then had a roll or lunch with some ham and a Omelette with lots of veg. For tea I had a fish pie This was what I ate yesterday and it came to around 900 calories. Therefore leaving me a few so last night after what was a hard quiz (Football was on so it was late) I thought I’d treat myself to a few vodka and cokes. I only had 3 when is my daily units and fits in with my calories as that was: 390.

So after all o that how much have I lost today?


That is it and my body mass has gone back up .2 points from 40.3 to 40.5.

Gutted is not the word.

My own fault though I have taken a bit of a back seat on the excise but what I can’t work out is that over a weekend I lost 2 lb then this wee -.a whole week! And now I have lost 1lb.

Things better look better on Monday or I’m getting out a knife to cut bits off….not those bits Hayley….not those bits 


Thursday 18 September 2008

Just a quick one

Not a massive one after yesterday. Today I thought I would just give you an update as to where I am at the moment.

I feel fat

I have cut out the coke after yesterday fining out that it makes me stay awake all night, I’ve dumped all the bad foods but I feel bloated.

Quiz night tonight and no drinks because I’m working tomorrow and I have weighing time as well tomorrow morning and I really want to keep myself light for that as I know I have not walked as much as I should have this week.

So then I will update you tomorrow after I have been to Boots for my weigh in.

Will I lose another 2 pounds….I doubt it? 

Wednesday 17 September 2008

It's a big one!

Well hello there.

I know there has been a lack of updates but this is because (deep breath)

The PSU went
I changed it
When the PSU went it upset the HD
I ran CHKDSK to fix that
Then it would shut down every 5 minutes
This was because of the new power unit
I then had to get a new computer
Which I found in a skip
And so here I am.

Right diet time.

It’s all going well, although with one massive draw back. I AM BECOMING A BORE.

I think the James we all knew and loved was a drunken James. New James can’t seem to get away with things anymore.

This is a bad thing.

Being rude to people. I say rude things…not like BOOBIES! I mean just comments that sound nasty and rude but you know I’m having a laugh, I guess because I would slur them and people would think “Oh he is drunk…what a funny drunk”

So what am I meant to do now? Fake a slur to all my jokes? I’ll sound like I’m having a Stroke.

Further more to this when I’m asked “So a diet! Eh?” Then I launch into this whole story of how we are all killing ourselves and I am the shining light in the desert of fat and lack of excise! I mean for F’s sake I’m about to embark on Badminton on Tuesdays and a 400 mile bike ride!

…and shopping. I can’t juts pick things up anymore. Everything has to be picked up, turned round and Calories checked. Everything, then getting my phone out to work out if I can have it or not with the rest of my diet; seriously.

And the shock this morning when I found out that my morning fruit and nut bars were 500 Calories per bar!!! I nearly shat myself. So after eating I thought “Well that is great can’t eat not today need to work that off”. So I went for a lunchtime walk, ran up and down the flat stairs a few times to get the old body going. Then this afternoon walked to the printers to lose those extra pounds.

It was only when Hayley got home and sat there listening to my tales of whoa that she pointed out that I was looking at the wrong column and that it was really only 90 calories and 500 for the whole box.


Otherwise I get comments like how’s the diet going. To which I politely (remember rude James has to take a back seat here) say “I’ve lost 4 pounds” to which I get various replies from “Were?” or “Have you tried looking for it?” and “Don’t worry I’ll give you a Fiver and then you’re a pound up” All of which are very funny.

Is this the karma for my years of piss taking?

Another thing I though was shit was that every morning at 3am I would wake up. And that would be it. I would be awake. No more sleep for me. As anybody who has seen me in Tesco at 3.30 in the morning will know (Hello Andy, Kelly, Michelle and Dave BTW) I have to go out and do something.

To Hayley I’m the best boyfriend ever - Fresh bread for breakfast, hovering and washing up done; what a great boyfriend.

Only problem is that by mid day I’m in such a bad mood I dare go out.

So what is this then? Why am I waking up at such silly times? Must be the diet! There must be something that my body is doing? Maybe it is saying “Come on fatty you do F all during the week, get out of bed and walk some of this blubber off”…that must be it.

I’d mentioned to Hayley about this and whilst playing on the computer last night I commented to Hayley “Do you think its cause my body is craving something that I’m waking up?” No she replied. “well what then?” she asked if I drank enough water? Water! Who need water! I drink 3 litres of Diet Coke everyday because all that is only 5 calories!

Who much Diet Coke? She asked.

3 Litres that’s all, and I take a little bit in a glass to bed – I proudly told her! No cider for me anymore! Fizzy fizzy Coke.

“You’re an idiot” she tells me.

Seems that Diet Coke - whilst void of sugars – continues more that it’s fair share of Caffeine.

It has taking me about a day to get over this fact and I’m still shocked. I went to the local shops earlier trying to get ultra no sugar no caffeine no bad stuff Coke.

Seems I need to buy something called Water?

Right onwards, Weigh in coming on Friday. No vodka for me until Saturday Morning at 2am (if I’m lucky) and Saturday I might have a couple but I doubt I’ll be busy as I’m not working Saturday night so I intend to make the most of a Saturday off.

So a very long update today, sorry to the people who thought I had given up. Don’t blame me. Blame the machines.



Monday 15 September 2008

3 days and a weigh in!


Right so no updates at the weekend. This is mainly due to a fire in my computer and just being busy!

So Friday – Went for my normally morning walk. This time I did not walk 40 miles like the day before but a normal walk to the docks and back; Went for a wonder round town, nothing much going on there so I returned home to get a few things done. Made some curry sauce for the nightclub food bar
then went to the pub.

Friday so be a good boy James.

I had 6 vodkas and Tequila! Went home and had Saturday off but still had things to do. Felt terrible first thing so went for a walk in the early morning fog, then brought a few things in Tesco.

May I just point out that the reason they say no more that 10 items at the serve yourself counter is because you can’t fit it all on the scales in the bagging area! I was crying with laughter in the end. Hayley did not see it as being that funny :(

Saturday I had breakfast; 1 egg, 1 slice of bacon (fat trimed) 1 hash brown and some Bread and butter. For lunch I had a roll and for tea….well I didn’t really. I just wne without….I know I know but I had work. The Goat – 5 Hour DJ set.

This went well apart from the idiots that seem to only ever appear on a Saturday night. Still no drink at all; I then did two hours at Bar One. I had a glass of red wine in-between the two gigs and then when a Bar One I had a few vodka and cokes.


Sunday I had a McMuffin and a few bottles of beer at lunch. I then worked it all off by dancing for an hour and a half at a charity DJ event I was working at. The two hours set of 1980 party tunes meant I think I worked off the weekend, so that myst be a Sunday thing.

I had a few vodkas in the evening, but now that is it until Saturday.

This morning I awake with the nagging thought that I had a weigh in this morning.


After all that at the weekend.

Oh god.

So no tea this morning. I walked to Boots and guess what!!!!

Weight: 21st 0lb

BMI: 40.3